It’s complicated work to design a piping project and get accurate bill of materials to install your piping system without any delay. While at PiPro, you have no worry about that! PiPro’s all series products, from PiPress stainless steel press fittings, CoPress copper press fitting to AirLite aluminum fittings, all of our products are avaible in 3D files supporting Revit BIM design system. Our module could help you design a piping system by just draging elements. It could be down in minutes!
Free BIM Design Works for Your Piping Projects
No matter it’s a wholly new project or renovated project, PiPro is always at your serivce to provide free BIM design works for your piping system. We deliver solutions of piping system.

BIM Applied to PiPro Piping System
BIM(Building Information Modeling) applied in PiPro all products. BIM allows 100% accuracy, and ZERO mistake for piping system layout and installations. We make it much more easier and efficient for our customers.
PiPro BIM Design
All PIPRO products are available with BIM design, including PiPress®️ Stainless steel press fittings, CoPres®️ copper press fittings, and AirLite aluminum air piping products. Contact PiPro for support!